Industry-Specific Security Printing & Holographic Solutions

The manufacturing industry involves complex production process which is required to be delivered as per schedules at every stage. This requires high level of precision in every stage and meticulous co-ordination with various departments involved. From inventory management to assembly line timing, to packing and delivery, all need to be monitored with efficiency. Our various workflow solutions help in keeping your material movement and the warehousing functionality on your fingertips.

Government issued document and Identification instrument have been a soft counterfeiting target for immediate financial gains and to substantiate incorrect claims. In fact, the implications are more far reaching when identities are forged to carry out subversive and anti-national activities. It is vital to secure such documents and instruments so that they can be easily verified and at the same time are sophisticated enough to be impregnable against any forging attempt.

Education sector generates critical documents like Admit Cards, Marksheets, Certificates etc. which are of significant importance for fair evaluation of an individual’s merit during their career. It is thus critical to secure such documents so that they cannot be duplicated or altered with malafide intentions. We provide solutions to positively identify the students at the time of examination by providing secure admit cards.
Maxxholo has solutions catering to specific needs of such educational institutes – be it a full-fledged university or a professional training institute. We can work together with any type of educational institutes to design and deliver secure documents solutions.

Food & Beverages
Food & Beverage industry is seriously affected by the ever-growing menace of adulteration and counterfeiting. Popular brands are prime targets of counterfeiters who either tamper with the original product or come up with inferior look-alikes to pass it off as original product to the unsuspecting consumer. This severely affects the brand reputation besides having more serious implications like affecting consumer health and wellbeing.
Maxxholo can assist brands to devise a complete security solution covering all stages from production to distribution of packaged food & beverage. Companies adopting the solution would have greater control on product identification, material movement, warehouse and distributors/retailers thereby ensuring delivery of the original product to the end consumer.

Pharmaceutical industry is among the worst affected ones by the menace of counterfeiting. Such spurious products eat into business revenue of the brand and tarnish the brand reputation. A bigger threat is that such counterfeit medicines can seriously damage the health of the consumers. The pharmaceutical industry has resorted to various security measures from time to time to curb this menace but with limited success. Absence of an integrated security solution might be a reason.

Auto Parts
Counterfeiting is a major menace to automobile industry globally that causes huge losses to the manufacturers, state exchequer as well as the consumers. The manufacturer loses revenue, the government loses on taxes earned and the consumers are not only cheated financially, but they also risk their life by relying upon a counterfeit spare.